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Arofine Polymers Pvt. Ltd.
Stall No:  D52
Company Description:
Arofine Polymers is eco-friendly manufacturer of industrial adhesives & coatings. We are leading the way to a sustainable, ecologically focused industry. With more than 10 brands, export to 5+ countries and
a prevalent customer base to its credit, Arofine Polymers is forging associations across industries, regulating innovations and revolutionizing product creation
Product on Display
Water Based - Pasting Adhesives, Lamination Emulsions, Barrier Coatings, Overprint Varnish, Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, Jelly Glue & Hotmelts
Located at:
C-33, M.I.D.C.CHAKAN, Pune-410501, Maharashtra, India
91-20-27121610, 27120681, 27127822

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